Call for Contribution

The Candle does not adhere to any hard and fast submission guidelines. However, we like the contributors to consider the following guidelines to maintain uniformity in the submissions.

  • All the submissions should be sent via email

  • Please make sure that you are submitting your contribution in MS Word format.

  • Please submit your short bio (not more than 80 words) including your affiliation and work, and a mugshot photograph of yours.

  • Other than the text format, we also welcome the submission in arts, drawings, and photographs or any other formats, which creatively depicts or speaks of human rights.
  • For the blog posts in text format/articles,
    • The length or word limit should not exceed 1000.

    • Please note that your submission should be original, meaning that is not already published elsewhere.

    • Please hyperlink sources, when possible, when you would like to refer to something.

    • Keep your writing simple and direct and give a personal touch whenever possible. Please avoid using wild gimmicks.

    • Please feel free to insert images/videos (link or embed), and practically useful or thought-provoking ideas rather than theoretical concepts.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the blog. Once your submission is received via email, we will contact you via the email provided for any editing/revision on your submission if required.